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Terms of Booking Field

Terms and Conditions of using Coatbridge Dog Park


Coatbridge Dog Park is not liable for any death, damage, injury, illness or loss to any person, animal or to any third party while using the facility or the equipment within it.


You are advised to have your pet fully insured.


Coatbridge Dog Park accepts no liability for any losses suffered whilst using the company’s facilities including the car park.


It is a booking condition that you accept that your use the secure field, which includes the car park and path leading to and around the field is entirely at your own risk and as such, agree not to hold Coatbridge Dog Park, its owners or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family/friends or your dog(s) arising from your use of the secure field.


The fenced section of the field is a large rural space, with the potential for areas of uneven ground or holes which could be concealed under long grass. There may from time to time have overhanging branches from trees around the edges and could contain other hazards. 


We have done everything in our power to ensure the field is safe and secure for you and you dogs to enjoy.  We have confirmed with the landowner that this field has always been used as farm land/for crops/grazing.  Coatbridge Dog Park cannot be held responsible for any injury to you or your dogs from interaction with the flora or fauna, insects or wildlife.


Any incidence of same which causes or contributes to injury to you, your family, friends or your dogs is your responsibility and you agree to not hold Coatbridge Dog Park liable.


It is your personal responsibility for follow all up to date local and national government guidelines on Covid-19.

Arrival and Departure

Please make sure that both field and car park gates are closed immediately upon entering and leaving the field. This is for safety of all users.


Dogs must be kept on leads until safely inside the enclosed field boundary and the gate closed or when you use the vehicle gate and are inside the field and you must ensure both gates securely closed. 

Please do not arrive any earlier than 5 minutes before your session start time.

Please do not get dogs out of vehicles until the previous session user has finished and safely loaded their dogs and have secured the gates. 

Please do not exercise your dog outside the secure field. 

Please do not climb on fencing or gates. 
Please ensure you have your dog(s) back in your vehicle 5 minutes before the end of your session.

The session is 40 minutes play with the extra 5 minutes to load your dogs and be ready to leave with the gates secured before you leave. 
No extension is allowed for any late arrival to the field. 


The fences and gates were professionally installed with you and your dogs safety and security as our utmost concern.


However fences and gates may have been vandalised or damaged, for example, by digging dogs, other animals or falling trees.


We check the field every morning and evening and use the field ourselves at least 3 times during the day.

If you arrive and notice any damage, you must NOT use the field and report any issue to us immediately so that we repair the damage as soon as possible.


The fence is 1.8 Meters high and is secured at the bottom too.  If your dog is known to be able to jump and climb, or able to dig under fencing, Coatbridge Dog Park cannot be held responsible.


Coatbridge Dog Park cannot accept responsibility for any dog escaping the field through either the gate or fence, irrespective of whether this is a consequence of a defect or damage in the fencing or gates.


The equipment is for canine use only. 
Before using the facility or the equipment within it, it is your responsibility to visit the vet to ensure that the dogs are physically fit and strong enough to perform activities. 


We also always recommend dogs are fully inoculated, especially puppies,  and have flea, worm, tick treatments and bordetella (kennel cough) vaccination.


Do not use equipment in wet or icy conditions as surfaces become slippery and may injure the dogs. 

You may bring your own toys but please take them all away with you, especially any broken tennis balls or damaged toys and place them in the bin provided.

Dog Mess 


There is a specific Dog Poop Bin and a General Litter Bin at the exit of the field.


Please ensure all poop is picked up and then placed in the dog poo bin. It is your responsibility to pick up after your dog.  

It is recognised that due to the nature of the field it is possible you might not see where your dog has pooped. 

If you do happen across a poo that someone else has missed, please pick it up, hopefully by doing this we can keep the field in a clean condition for all users. 


Do not drop other litter anywhere. Please take it home to dispose of it or place it in the litter bin provided.


When entering and leaving the site, including the carpark, please be aware of other dogs around you and give them sufficient space as they may not be as friendly as yours.


Coatbridge Dog Park cannot be held liable for any injury to your dog or for any injury or damage caused by your dogs in and around the premises.


All dogs must be kept on a secure leash between the car park and the secure field or inside your vehicle until you are inside the vehicle gate and that gate has been secured.


Coatbridge Dog Park will not be liable for any injury or damage sustained or caused by your dog in the event that you lose control of your dog on our site.  It is your responsibility to keep your dog secure in the car park or path and will be your responsibility if your dog or any others suffer injury or harm on near-by roads or from interaction by any other dog.


Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. 


You should accompany your dog at all times, so that you are aware of what you pet is doing and that they are safe. 

All dogs using the field must be wormed and have all vaccinations up to date or have been titre tested. 

If your dog is ill or has been ill within the last 48 hours of your session time, please cancel you session and re-book it as required. 


In keeping with the law regarding ‘responsible dog ownership’, you are entirely responsible for yours and your dog(s)’ safety whilst at the field and at our premises. The law states that we should be in control of our dogs at all times.


This is also relevant at the field, whether you are alone or one of our representatives is present.

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